Tuesday 6 May 2014

K T K Thangamani Nadar
K. T. K. Thangamani was a politician from Indian state of Tamil Nadu. He was a senior Communist leader and former State secretary of the Communist Party of India. He was also a prominent trade union leader. He died at the age of 88 on 26 December 2001. He was also a member of Lok Sabha elected from Madurai in 1957.
KTK Thangamani received his higher education in UK. As regards his initiation into the communist party, it was during his stay in UK that he became concious of the labour movements. Then when he traveled to Malaysia and Singapore he came into contact with the Communist party of Malaysia and started to work with the organized labour in Malaysia. That period was his train period.
Then he returned to India in 1947 and settled down in Madurai. Madurai was the place, where he built his Trade Union life. In those days Ramamurthy was one of famous leaders in TN and he also worked under the great S.A. Dange. As regards the unions he led and his associations in the TU movement, he also led the TU movement in TVS and the British owned SRVS. One the main unions he led was the transport workers of TN for whom he got a Industrial Tribunal to award minimum wage.
He led a SRVS strike in 1946. Then as regards the TVS strike in 1948 due to it turning violent he went underground and later arrested and jailed for 4 years to be released in 1952. After his release in 1952 he started work amoung port and dock workers, general industrial workers and textiles , and all in TN as he reached state level and national level by becoming CPI MP from Madurai.

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